Learning Begins At Home
teachers come to my website saying that they teach pre-school children or Early
Years grades. Some of them want to know more about assessing this age group.
you start assessing the children in your class at this age you need to find out
what they have already learned before they ever come to school. This can be done during a visit to the
child’s home before they come to school or, if this is not possible, on a visit
to your classroom before the child starts school.
We all
start learning as soon as we are born (even before) and parents have a
great responsibility in helping the new born baby find their way around the
world they have come into. Babies use
all their senses to learn: feeling, smelling, watching, tasting and listening
to sounds and sights around them. The pre-school teacher should provide the
same experiences for them to learn through when they begin school, so that
learning can take place in a range of ways.
The Early
Years classroom can be divided into different areas of learning and these can
be very roughly matched to Howard
Gardner’s multiple intelligences as follows:
Areas of Learning Multiple
Communication, language and
literacy LinguisticProblem –solving, reasoning and numeracy Mathematical
Creative development Visual / spatial
Creative development Musical
Physical development Bodily / Kinaesthetic
Knowledge and understanding of the world Naturalistic
Development Matters (PSE development) Interpersonal
Personal, social and emotional development Intrapersonal
When you meet with the child for the first time you need to talk to his parents or carer and find out what stage of the learning process the child has reached before they start school. You will need to take this into consideration when you start planning the learning environment and your lessons. Each child will have learned different things and be at different stages, even though there will be similarities between them.
To help
you assess what stages the child has reached in these different areas of
learning two alternative check-lists are given you in the booklet Multiple Intelligences and Assessment.
You can
photocopy the one you prefer and use it when talking to and observing the child. They also give you questions to ask his or her parents.
Now you have this information you can think about what you are
going to provide for the child once he or she starts school. In my next blog I am going to show you how
you can find out (assess) what a child or a student’s strongest and weakest multipleintelligences are through observation.
This should be of interest to you whatever age you teach, from pre-school
to college-aged students.
Come back in a few days time and find out more to help you with
your teaching.
With best wishes,
Margaret Warner
Dip. S.M.S., A.C.P., M.A. Ed.
International Education Consultant
MAW Education http://www.maweducation.co.uk
MAW Publications http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com
With best wishes,
Margaret Warner
Dip. S.M.S., A.C.P., M.A. Ed.
International Education Consultant
MAW Education http://www.maweducation.co.uk
MAW Publications http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com
Assessment templates http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com/mawbookletass.htm
plan templates http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com/mawbookletlp.htm
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