Saturday, 28 January 2012

Do you wonder how to use MI in your lesson planning?

You will already be providing for some of the students'  Multiple Intelligences in the lessons you plan, so it is only a step or two further to provide for all your students' learning needs.

How well you plan your lessons will influence how successful your lessons will be for the students and as a result how much they learn and understand, so you need to take time to plan carefully, so that every child succeeds.

Here are some points to guide you. In each lesson, all students should be:
  • increasing their knowledge;
  • learning new skills;
  • developing a deeper understanding of the subject;
  • and acquiring attitudes acceptable to the community in which they live and the wider world.
In the 20 page booklet  MI and Lesson Planning there is a lesson plan template, on pages 3 and 4, which will help you incorporate MI into your planning.  There is no one 'right way' to plan a lesson.  This example is only one way and you can adapt it to suit your class and your school. On the template you will enter the objectives of the lesson, questions you will ask to assess what your students already know and activities to match the different intelligences, as well as noting down what resources you will need and which students will need particular help. 

Once you have planned lessons using this template you can save them to a computer for you or other teachers to use in the future.  Each class of children will be different, so adjustments will need to be made each time you use one of these lesson plans but the overall planning will already be done for you.  If your school builds up a bank of lesson plans over one year (which does, I admit take time), in following years and with following classes very little time will need to be spent in planning so you can use this 'saved' time to develop some other aspect of your teaching or improve on the lesson itself.

In my next blog I will let you know about some of the subjects and lessons that are suggested in the same booklet.  They cover most subjects and all ages from KG to G12.

Come back in a few days and find an example of a lesson matched to your teaching needs.

With best wishes,

Margaret Warner
Dip. S.M.S., A.C.P., M.A. Ed.

International Education Consultant

MAW Education
MAW Publications

Assessment templates

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