With the youngest children, when you make a home visit before they start school, you can create a questionnaire and fill it in with the child's parents' or carer's help. There are two examples in the MI and Assessment booklet.
Once the children start school you can assess them by observing them and noting down what they enjoy doing and are good at using a check list prepared using Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
You will notice that some children may cause you concern and MI will help you diagnose their particular needs. e.g. they have difficultes doing physical activities (kinaesthetic intelligence - might need extra support when making things or in physical activities) or they write letters in the wrong order or back to front (lingistic intelligence - might be dylexic) You can then follow up that particular concern in more detail. (pages 7 and 8)
You can assess students using MI when they are working in a group. Choose which intelligences you want to assess and create a rubric. There is an example rubric prepared for you on page 9 of the MI and Assessment booklet.
You can assess students, using MI when they are solving authentic problems, with the help of a professional in that field. This is explained on page 10.
MI can be used by students when you plan self-assessment or peer assessment during your lesson. Examples are on page 11.
There are many more ways to assess students using MI in the booklet MI and Assessment and the ones mentioned above are explained in detail.
This may be the best way for you to learn how to assess students using MI in your own clasroom.
With best wishes,
Margaret Warner
Dip. S.M.S., A.C.P., M.A. Ed.
International Education Consultant
MAW Education http://www.maweducation.co.uk
MAW Publicationshttp://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com
Assessment templates http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com/mawbookletass.htm
Lesson plan templates http://www.discover-multiple-intelligences.com/mawbookletlp.htm
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